2 min read

Let's Save the Giant Trees of the Rainforest!

The Rio Momon Conservation Association will begin work on its most important project: The establishment of the first conservation zone on the Momon River.
Let's Save the Giant Trees of the Rainforest!

This winter, the Rio Momon Conservation Association will begin work on its most important project:  The establishment of the first conservation zone on the Momon River.

With your support, we plan to purchase the first parcel of land to begin the private reserve.

Located adjacent to the association’s headquarters, this piece of land encompasses 20 hectares (50 acres) of primary rainforest.

It is home to hundreds of species of trees, including  many rare and threathened varieties.

One of these is the giant Huangana Caspi.

According to botanical experts, this species is extremely slow growing.

The proposed conservation zone is home to one of the largest and oldest specimens ever discovered, estimated to be at least 2,000 years old.

This magnificent tree is surrounded by hundreds of old growth hardwoods, among them many important types of medicinal trees.

Recently while exploring the land with its current owner, the Peru NGO director John Moore discovered another huge tree even larger than the Huangana Caspi: a maignificent ancient Shihuahaco.

This threatened species is significant because it is the preferred nesting site of the endangered Harpy Eagle, the largest bird of prey in the world.

This species has become rare throughout the Amazon raiforest as a result of illegal cutting for its strong and resilient wood.

Almost four years ago, the Rio Momon Conservation Association made a verbal agreement with the owner of this land to purchase it for the reserve.

The plan was to purchase it during the following year, but the pandemic interrupted the association's fundraising efforts.

Despite these delays, the owner of the land has kept to his promise not to cut any trees.

Thankfully it has remained in pristine condition.

Recently, the owner informed John that he urgently needs to sell the land by the end of this year so that he can feed his family, which is struggling due to the current global economic crisis.

If he cannot sell it by that time, he will have no other option but to start clearing the land. Economic necessity will drive him to sell the trees for wood and to set up a farm for yucca, which depletes the soil and renders the land barren.

Now the time for action is here! With your generous support, we can move quickly during the next few months to purchase the land and begin the process of turning it into a legally protected conservation zone.

Our goal for this fundraiser is $10,000, which covers the cost of the 50-acre parcel of land, as well as legal and administrative expenses.
