Our Mission

Our primary mission is to establish the first conservation zone on the Momon River, a tributary of the Amazon River which is home to many important and threatened species of wildlife. Currently the rainforest is being destroyed at an alarming rate by illegal logging. It is critical to protect this fragile ecosystem by creating conservation zones as rapidly as possible. The initial conservation zone will encompass more than 1,000 hectares (2,500 acres) of threatened rainforest.

Eventually, our vision for the future is to establish more similar reserves along the length of the river. This will create corridors between between already existing protected areas (Allpahuayo Mishana National Reserve and Alto Nanay-Pintuyacu Chambira Regional Conservation Area).

Once conservation zones are established, we will work to rebuild them through our reforestation project, working with our partners at IIAP (Instituto de Investgaciones de la Amazonia Peruana), the government agency in charge of environmental conservation in the Amazon region of Peru.

We are also committed to helping the local communities in our region, through community development and education programs. Some examples include providing clean drinking water, recycling plastic waste, and developing sustainable agriculture to ensure a better future for local residents.