1 min read

Rescued two puppies: Hard to believe they are brother and sister!

Villagers brought two malnourished puppies to us. Their mother had died when they were just one month old. The puppies were severely undernourished and their swollen stomachs indicated they were infected with internal parasites.
Rescued two puppies: Hard to believe they are brother and sister!
Ulmo, the boy, is mellow and sweet. His sister Basha is a troublemaker.

On July 17th, villagers brought two malnourished puppies to us. Their mother had tragically died when they were just one month old. The puppies were severely undernourished and their swollen stomachs indicated they were infected with internal parasites. We adopted them and immediately took them to a veterinarian in Iquitos for parasite treatment.

They're a handful

Now, these puppies are twice as big and growing rapidly. The black one is named Basha.


She's a feisty girl and quite the troublemaker.


Her brother, the white pup, is named Ulmo. He is the complete opposite - mellow and sweet.


It's hard to believe they're brother and sister; they're total opposites in every way.

John says they are like toddlers on crack

We can't wait to get them settled into their new home at Rio Momon!